Detailed Discussion
Typical Utilities include:
Water treatment plants and delivery systems
Power generation and distribution facilities, including natural gas systems, wind turbines, generators, substations, and power lines
Sewage collection systems and treatment plants
The owner of a facility is responsible for determining the extent of damage incurred. FEMA does not provide funds for random surveys to look for damage, such as video inspection of sewer lines. However, if damage is discovered during a random survey, FEMA will provide funds for inspecting the section of the utility line in which the damage was found. If disaster- related damage is evident, FEMA may pay for inspections to determine the extent of the damage and method of repair.
While FEMA may pay for restoration of damaged utilities, FEMA does not provide funds for increased operating expenses resulting from a disaster or for lost revenue if a utility is shut down. However, the cost of establishing temporary emergency services inthe event of a utility shut-down may be eligible (e.g., providing a temporary sewage facility or temporary arrangements to bypass a damaged facility). (See Categories of Work.)