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An overview of the Public Assistance Grant Program.
0.48MAugust 17, 2018

Building Back Better - Public Assistance Fact Sheet
This fact sheet focuses on all of the different ways PA funding can be used to reduce risk and increase resiliency.
0.54MMay 31, 2018

Public Assistance Delivery Model Fact Sheet
An overview of PA's improved grant delivery process.
1.13MAugust 17, 2018

PA Grants Manager and Grants Portal Tool
An overview of the new information-technology tool used to process Public Assistance grant applications.
0.14MJuly 1, 2017

PA Fact Sheet: Elements of a PW (9580.5)
This fact sheet outlines the types of, and order in which, necessary documentation should be compiled to support a Public Assistance Project Worksheet (PW). It is intended to promote consistency in PW preparation by Public Assistance staff nationwide.
1.43MDecember 17, 2005

PA Fact Sheet: Management Costs Interim Policy
This fact sheet provides an overview of the PA Management Costs Interim Policy that implements Section 1215 of the DRRA.
0.28MNovember 15, 2018

Public Assistance Reasonable Cost Evaluation Job Aid
This Job Aid supersedes FEMA’s Public Assistance Alternative Procedures Pilot Program Validation of Subgrantee-Provided Cost Estimates Job Aid, dated May 20, 2013. It provides uniform guidance to FEMA personnel on evaluating cost reasonableness for Federal funds expended by non-Federal entities under the PA Program.
0.26MOctober 13, 2018

Public Assistance Debris Removal Tips Fact Sheet
Public Assistance Debris Removal Tips Fact Sheet

EHP Fact Sheet: PA Debris Removal Activities
FEMA’s Public Assistance program awards funds to eligible applicants for debris clearance, removal, and disposal operations. Although FEMA’s statutory exclusions under Section 316 of the Stafford Act exempt most debris removal actions from review by the National Environmental Policy Act, compliance with other laws—such as the Endangered Species Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Clean Air Act, and Clean Water Act—is still required.
0.12MNovember 12, 2012

Private Property Debris Removal (PPDR) Fact Sheet
The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide key information to consider when planning for debris removal on private property. Private property debris removal (PPDR) is generally not eligible for reimbursement under the PA Program. However, when debris on private property is so widespread that it threatens public health and safety or economic recovery of a community, FEMA may provide PA funding for debris removal from private property.
0.15MSeptember 12, 2017

PA Fact Sheet: Alternative Procedures Pilot Program for Debris Removal
This fact sheet provides general information about the Public Assistance Alternative Procedures Pilot Program for Debris Removal.

Public Assistance Private Nonprofit Houses of Worship Fact Sheet
This version clarifies Public Assistance Program eligibility requirements and other considerations for PNP HOW applicants.
0.82MJune 27, 2018

Public Assistance Private Nonprofit Houses of Worship Fact Sheet with FAQ
Provides key information about the eligibility of PNP house of worship (HOW) applicants.
0.75MFebruary 15, 2018

Public Assistance Contracting Requirements Checklist
The purpose of this Fact Sheet is to provide Public Assistance applicants with key information they need to consider when using contracted resources.
0.62MOctober 10, 2018

Exigent or Emergency Circumstances Procurement for Public Assistance
This Fact Sheet provides key information that non-state applicants need to consider when utilizing contracted resources under exigent or emergency circumstances.
0.19MJanuary 19, 2018

Purchasing Goods or Services through Cooperative Programs
The purpose of this Fact Sheet is to provide key information regarding the use of cooperative purchasing programs by non-state applicants for procurements above the simplified acquisition threshold.
0.27MSeptember 18, 2018