Detailed Discussion
How to Comply with Program Requirements
This page contains information on how to comply with PA Program grant requirements. Major areas of focus include environmental, insurance, and procurement and contracting pre-requisites. Understanding these conditions prior to the threat of disaster activity will enhance the applicant experience when applying for grant assistance under the PA Program.

Improper Payments Elimination Recovery And Improvement Act
The President signed Public Law 112-248, the Improper Payments Elimination Recovery and Improvement Act (IPERIA) of 2012, on January 10, 2013. This law applies to all Federal departments and agencies and aims to further institutionalize efforts to identify, prevent, and recover payment error, waste, fraud, and abuse within Federal spending. FEMA conducts statistical sampling and testing of the PA Grant Program as a part of the Closeout and Post-Award Closeout grant phases to ensure compliance as good stewards of taxpayers’ dollars.
IPERIA Guidance

Applicant Insurance Requirements
Disaster assistance can only be made available for damage and losses that are not covered by insurance. Applicants and facilities that received a PA Grant under previous disaster declarations, may have had to maintain insurance as a condition of their funding. FEMA performs a thorough review of insurance for applicants and facilities to ensure there is no duplication of benefit.
Insurance Guidance

PA Procurement And Contracting Resources
Visit FEMA’s Procurement Disaster Assistance Team to learn more about:
- Procurements Under Grants Checklists for:
- Non-Federal Entity
- State, Local, and Tribal Governments
- Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Private Non-Profits
- FEMA Procurement Toolbox Series: Private Nonprofits (PNP) Requirements of 2 C.F.R. §§ 215.40-48
- FEMA Procurement Toolbox Series: Local and Indian Tribal Government Requirements of 44 C.F.R. §13.36
- Procurement Under Grants - Key Procurement Related Requirements Imposed by the New Procurement Standards (Video dated Oct 2015)
More Procurement Guidance
- FACT SHEET: Public Assistance Contracting Requirements Checklist (Aug 2017)
- FACT SHEET: Exigent or Emergency Circumstances Procurement
- FACT SHEET: Purchasing Goods or Services through Cooperative Programs

Resources For Environmental Compliance
Applicants are responsible for complying with applicable Federal, State, Territorial, or Tribal Environmental Historic Preservation laws even if FEMA is not providing PA funding for all of the work. Visit the FEMA Office of Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation for more information.