Detailed Discussion
FEMA uses the term Special Considerations to describe issues other than program eligibility that could affect the scope of work and funding for a project. These issues include insurance, hazard mitigation measures, and environmental and historic preservation compliance with Federal laws, regulations, and Executive Orders.
To expedite the approval of grant funds, FEMA strives to identify and resolve Special Considerations issues as early in the recovery process as possible. To accomplish this objective:
Teams work to identify Special Considerations during the Preliminary Damage Assessment (see Preliminary Damage Assessment (PDA))
FEMA meets with the State and other agencies that might be involved in Special Considerations to outline strategies for resolving Special Considerations issues
The PAC Crew Leader (see Public Assistance Coordination (PAC) Crew Leader) works with the applicant to identify Special
Considerations issues as early as possible in the project formulation process
FEMA provides Specialists to review Special Considerations issues at the Joint Field Office
The applicant has a critical role in the identification and quick resolution of Special Considerations issues. By being aware of the way in which these issues can affect projects, the applicant can assist FEMA by identifying the issues as early as possible and providing the information necessary for review.
(See Floodplain Management, Insurance, Flood Insurance, Hazard Mitigation–Section 406, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA).)
Reference: Public Assistance Guide, FEMA 322, pages 115-136