Detailed Discussion
"Under the Stafford Act, FEMA can consider the increased demand for Building Inspection services as an eligible emergency protective measure if such inspections are directly related to the disaster and are necessary to establish if a damaged structure poses an immediate threat to life, public health, or safety. Eligible costs for safety inspections are written as “Category B” emergency work on the Project Worksheet.
The following inspections are ineligible for funding under the Public Assistance Program:
To determine if the building was substantially damaged beyond repair under the National Flood Insurance Program
To determine if the building should be elevated or relocated
To determine if the repairs are needed to make the building habitable
Generally, when building inspections of FEMA funded permanent repairs are required, they are included in the Project Worksheet funding for permanent repair.
References: Section 403 of the Stafford Act
Eligibility of Building Inspections in a Post-Disaster Environment, FEMA Policy 9523.2, dated June 23, 1998
Public Assistance Guide, FEMA 322, page 76"