Costs Eligilbilty

Relocation, Temporary

Key Points

Category B: Temporary Relocation

Common Emergency Protective Measure 16

If the applicant provides essential community services at a facility that is unsafe, inaccessible, or destroyed as a result of the incident, temporary relocation of these service to another facility is eligible.

  • Essential community services are those services of a governmental nature that are necessary to save lives, protect property and the public, and preserve the proper function and health of the community at large.
  • The regulatory time limitation for temporary facilities is six months from the declaration date

Eligible temporary relocation of essential services includes, but are not limited to:

  • Essential community services provided by a State, Territorial, Tribal, or Local government Applicant are eligible
  • E.g., Police, Fire protection, Emergency services, Medical care
  • Essential community services provided by private nonprofit Applicant are eligible (provided they own and operate the facility)
  • E.g., Alcohol and drug rehabilitation, child care, fire protection and emergency services

Eligible work associated with the temporary relocation of essential services includes but is not limited to:

  • Lease, purchase, or construction of a temporary space
  • Construction of safe room for temporary school facilities
  • This is only eligible if the permanent facility had one as well
  • Relocation work and costs

Detailed Discussion

When buildings that house essential  community services, such as school classrooms, police and fire department  facilities, government offices, and certain private nonprofit functions, such  as critical health facilities, are damaged extensively enough that they  cannot be used until repairs are made, Temporary  Relocation of the essential services may be  necessary. Criticality of the service and safety of the facility are the  factors used to determine the need for temporary relocation. The costs  associated with temporary relocation are eligible but are subject to cost comparisons  of alternate methods of providing facilities. Maintenance, utilities and  operating costs of the temporary facility are not eligible.
   The decision whether to rent or purchase space  and equipment must be based on cost effectiveness. The length of time that  rental or purchase costs are eligible will be based on the time estimated to  complete repair work that will bring the damaged facility to pre-disaster  design. Normally, the period of time for which temporary relocation  assistance may be provided is 6 months, based on the regulatory time  limitation for the completion of emergency work (44 CFR 206.204(c)).  Extensions are possible if the applicant can document extenuating  circumstances and the progress required by FEMA policy (see Time Limits).
   References:   Section 403(a)(3)(D) of the Stafford Act
   Provision of Temporary Relocation Facilities,  FEMA Policy 9523.3, dated July 16, 1998
   Medical Care and Evacuations, FEMA Policy  9525.4, dated August 17, 1999
   Public Assistance Guide, FEMA 322, pages 38-39,  73, 138-139

Related Guidance Categories

This website  is intended as a national source of information about  the delivery of  financial recovery services. It includes resources on eligibility, procurement, grant management delivery, and issues related to various Federal Programs currently supporting FEMA  Public Assistance program  financial recovery for governments and non-profits. This website is not affiliated or endorsed or sponsored  by  FEMA  or any other Federal grant program. The information provided in various webpage documents is derived largely from Federal  published materials. In general, under section 105 of the Copyright Act, such works are not entitled to domestic copyright protection under U.S. law and are therefore in the public domain.  The goal is to help navigate the various Federal websites and summarize grant information and requirements. It does not constitute legal advice or grant management advise and is provided for general informational purposes only. Only the Federal Agency responsible for grants can make determinations on eligibility and grant amounts. You should consult with your professional services advisors and State and Federal Grant Coordinators for more detailed guidance on specific FEMA Public Assistance financial recovery issues.

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