Time Limitations/Extensions
Timeliness/ Time Extension – Work
Omaha Tribe of Nebraska and Iowa

Stafford Act 423; as implemented by 44 C.F.R. 206.206(c)(1); allows an eligible applicant; subgrantee; or grantee; to appeal any Public Assistance determination within 60 days of receiving notice of the appealable action.The Tribe; acting as its own grantee; submitted its second appeal more than 60 days after receiving notice of the denial of Federal assistance.Under 44 C.F.R. 206.204(c)(2)(ii); a permanent work project must be completed within 18 months of the applicable major disaster or emergency declaration. A grantee may extend this deadline for 30 months if warranted by extenuating circumstances or unusual project requirements beyond the subgrantee control.The grantee authority to grant a project time extension expired June 2015; 48 months after the major disaster declaration. Under 44 C.F.R. 206.204(d)(2); any time extension requests beyond the grantee authority must be submitted to the RA and include a detailed justification for the delay and a projected completion date. The RA shall review the request and make a determination.

Time Limitations/Extensions

Roseau County Hwy Dept.; FEMA-1288-DR-MN; at 8 (Jan. 06; 2017); Dep’t. of Transp.; FEMA-4068-DR-FL; at 3 (Aug. 5; 2016); City of Plattsburgh; FEMA-4020-DR-NY; at 4 (June 8; 2016); San Pasqual Indian Reservation; FEMA-1731-DR-CA (Jan. 16; 2014); Hancock County Water and Sewer District; FEMA-1604-DR-MS; at 3 (May 28; 2014); La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians; FEMA-1731-DR-CA (Jan. 4; 2010).HeadnotesStafford Act § 423; as implemented by 44 C.F.R. § 206.206(c)(1); allows an eligible applicant; subgrantee; or grantee; to appeal any Public Assistance determination within 60 days of receiving notice of the appealable action.The Tribe; acting as its own grantee; submitted its second appeal more than 60 days after receiving notice of the denial of Federal assistance.Under 44 C.F.R. § 206.204(c)(2)(ii); a permanent work project must be completed within 18 months of the applicable major disaster or emergency declaration. A grantee may extend this deadline for 30 months if warranted by extenuating circumstances or unusual project requirements beyond the subgrantee’s control.The grantee’s authority to grant a project time extension expired June 2015; 48 months after the major disaster declaration. Under 44 C.F.R. § 206.204(d)(2); any time extension requests beyond the grantee’s authority must be submitted to the RA and include a detailed justification for the delay and a projected completion date. The RA shall review the request and make a determination.

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