Time Extension
Time Extension
Plaquemines Parish

Under 44 C.F.R. 206.206(c)(1); the Applicant has 60 days to file an appeal upon receipt of notice of the decision being appealed.

Time Limitations/Extensions

OMB Circular A-87 Att. A (C)(4)(a); 2 C.F.R. § 225 App. A (C)(4)(a).FEMA Second Appeal Analysis; Florida Department of Transportation; FEMA-4068-DR-FL; at 3 (Aug. 5; 2016).FEMA Second Appeal Analysis; Florida Department of Transportation; FEMA-1785-DR-FL; at 3 (July 9; 2016).HeadnotesUnder 44 C.F.R. § 206.206(c)(1); the Applicant has 60 days to file an appeal upon receipt of notice of the decision being appealed.

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