Support Documentation
Support Documentation/ Improved Project
Nashville-Davidson County

OMB Circular A-87 provides that allowable costs must meet the cost principles of being necessary; allocable to Federal awards; and adequately documented.The Applicant provided documentation to demonstrate that the resident engineering costs are necessary; allocable; and adequately documented for PW 5593.


44 C.F.R. § 206.203(d)(1).OMB Circular A-87 Attachment A (C)(1)(j)(a); 2 C.F.R. § 225 Appendix A (C)(1)(j)(a)PA Digest; at 48.PA Guide; at 36; 40; 79; 59; 110; and 139.HeadnotesOMB Circular A-87 provides that allowable costs must meet the cost principles of being necessary; allocable to Federal awards; and adequately documented.The Applicant provided documentation to demonstrate that the resident engineering costs are necessary; allocable; and adequately documented for PW 5593.

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