Snow Removal
Snow Removal
Terryville Fire District

44 C.F.R. 206.225(a) authorizes emergency protective measures necessary to eliminate or lessen immediate threats to life; public health; or safety; as well as threats of significant additional damage to improved property. 44 C.F.R. 206.227 limits both emergency and major disaster declarations that are based on snow or blizzard conditions to cases of record or near-record snowstorms. Suffolk County was not designated for snow assistance; and snow removal activities are not eligible for PA as emergency protective measures as they were not necessary to perform otherwise eligible work.


PAPPG; at 20; 134; 59; 82; Appendix H.Town of Secaucus; FEMA-4264-DR-NJ; at 4; Village of Waterford; FEMA-4020-DR-NY; at 3. Headnotes44 C.F.R. § 206.225(a) authorizes emergency protective measures necessary to eliminate or lessen immediate threats to life; public health; or safety; as well as threats of significant additional damage to improved property. 44 C.F.R. § 206.227 limits both emergency and major disaster declarations that are based on snow or blizzard conditions to cases of record or near-record snowstorms. Suffolk County was not designated for snow assistance; and snow removal activities are not eligible for PA as emergency protective measures as they were not necessary to perform otherwise eligible work.

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