Snow Removal
Snow Removal
Town of Secaucus

44 C.F.R. 206.227 limits Public Assistance funding available for snow related activities to a period of time specified by the conditions of the disaster. The PAPPG provides for funding only for a continuous 48-hour period; designated by applicants; to address the most critical emergency needs.PW 169 SOW incorrectly stated that clearing one lane of snow during active snowfall was eligible work; even if it was outside the 48-hour window. FEMA also erroneously obligated funding in accordance with this SOW.Despite this; the Applicant snow removal work performed outside its designated 48-hour window are ineligible; and FEMA is not authorized to provide the additional funding that the Applicant seeks on appeal. Appeal Letter

Snow Assistance

PAPPG at 77-78.Headnotes44 C.F.R. § 206.227 limits Public Assistance funding available for snow related activities to a period of time specified by the conditions of the disaster. The PAPPG provides for funding only for a continuous 48-hour period; designated by applicants; to address the most critical emergency needs.PW 169’s SOW incorrectly stated that clearing one lane of snow during active snowfall was eligible work; even if it was outside the 48-hour window. FEMA also erroneously obligated funding in accordance with this SOW.Despite this; the Applicant’s snow removal work performed outside its designated 48-hour window are ineligible; and FEMA is not authorized to provide the additional funding that the Applicant seeks on appeal. Appeal Letter

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