Landslides and Slope Stabilization
Slope Failure
Town of Colchester

Pursuant to 44 C.F.R. 206.223(a)(1); an item of work must be the result of an emergency or disaster in order to be eligible for PA funding.Here; the Applicant submitted evidence to establish that the slope was not unstable prior to the disaster event.According to FEMA RP9524.2; Landslides and Slope Stability Related to Public Facilities; if a site has a history of instability; FEMA will not fund the repair of the site; in such cases; it is the responsibility of the Applicant to stabilize the site before Public Assistance funds are provided to repair the facility.The Applicant submitted documentation to establish that the site did not have a history of instability and is eligible for Public Assistance.Appeal Letter

Emergency Repair or Stabilization (including Slope)

HeadnotesPursuant to 44 C.F.R. § 206.223(a)(1); an item of work must be the result of an emergency or disaster in order to be eligible for PA funding.Here; the Applicant submitted evidence to establish that the slope was not unstable prior to the disaster event.According to FEMA RP9524.2; Landslides and Slope Stability Related to Public Facilities; if a site has a history of instability; FEMA will not fund the repair of the site; in such cases; it is the responsibility of the Applicant to stabilize the site before Public Assistance funds are provided to repair the facility.The Applicant submitted documentation to establish that the site did not have a history of instability and is eligible for Public Assistance.Appeal Letter

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