Scope of Work
Scope of Work
Ulster County Department of Public Works

44 C.F.R. 206.202(d)(1)(i) provides that the Project Worksheet must identify the eligible scope of work and must include a quantitative estimate for the eligible work.The PW explains the disaster-related damage in the Damage Description and Dimensions section and necessary repair work in the Scope of Work section.The PA Guide states that regarding small projects; if there are omissions or changes in scope; FEMA may revise an initial PW; which may result in changes in funding level and/or category.

Change in Scope of Work

44 C.F.R. § 206.226(e).PA Guide; at 95; 101; and 109.Recovery Policy 9526.1; Hazard Mitigation Funding Under Section 406 (Stafford Act) (Mar. 30; 2010).Headnotes44 C.F.R. § 206.202(d)(1)(i) provides that the Project Worksheet must identify the eligible scope of work and must include a quantitative estimate for the eligible work.The PW explains the disaster-related damage in the Damage Description and Dimensions section and necessary repair work in the Scope of Work section.The PA Guide states that regarding small projects; if there are omissions or changes in scope; FEMA may revise an initial PW; which may result in changes in funding level and/or category.

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