Result of Declared Incident
Result of the Declared Incident
Municipality of San Sebastian

None of the reports submitted document scour to the existing Facility. The Applicant has not shown that the work to repair the Facility was required as a direct result of the declared incident; thus; it is not eligible for PA funding.The Applicant has not shown that the work to the Facility abutments was required as a direct result of the declared incident; thus; it is not eligible for PA funding. Therefore; the appeal is denied.

Result of Declared Incident

To be eligible for PA funding; work must be required as a result of the disaster.FEMA reviews predisaster maintenance or inspection reports to assist in verifying the predisaster condition and assess eligible disaster damage.HeadnotesNone of the reports submitted document scour to the existing Facility. The Applicant has not shown that the work to repair the Facility was required as a direct result of the declared incident; thus; it is not eligible for PA funding.ConclusionThe Applicant has not shown that the work to the Facility abutments was required as a direct result of the declared incident; thus; it is not eligible for PA funding. Therefore; the appeal is denied.

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