Result of Declared Incident
Result of Declared Incident
Cumberland County

It is the applicant responsibility to demonstrate that claimed damage was caused directly by the incident; and where pre-existing damage exists; to distinguish that damage from the disaster-related damage.The post-disaster photographs the Applicant claims show obvious disaster-related damage rather show damages that may be associated with long-term deterioration and pre-existing conditions; such as gravel loss; erosion damage; and asphalt deterioration and cracking.The Applicant did not provide additional documentation demonstrating the predisaster condition of its roads; which might be used to distinguish pre-existing damage from damage caused by the disaster.

Result of Declared Incident

Frankfort (Town of); FEMA-4472-DR-NY; at 3.Vinton Cnty. Eng’r; FEMA-4424-DR-OH; at 3.City of Fort Smith; FEMA-4441-DR-AR; at 5.HeadnotesIt is the applicant’s responsibility to demonstrate that claimed damage was caused directly by the incident; and where pre-existing damage exists; to distinguish that damage from the disaster-related damage.The post-disaster photographs the Applicant claims show obvious disaster-related damage rather show damages that may be associated with long-term deterioration and pre-existing conditions; such as gravel loss; erosion damage; and asphalt deterioration and cracking.The Applicant did not provide additional documentation demonstrating the predisaster condition of its roads; which might be used to distinguish pre-existing damage from damage caused by the disaster.

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