Result of Declared Incident
Result of Declared Incident
Hopkins (County)

The Applicant is responsible for providing documentation to show that work is required to address damage directly caused by the declared incident. If an applicant damages property while performing eligible emergency response activities or debris removal operations; the repair of that damage may be eligible. It is an applicant responsibility to provide documentation to support its claim.The post-disaster site inspection photographs showed evidence of pre-existing damages; deterioration; and/or deferred maintenance. The Applicant did not provide documentation supporting the predisaster condition of the ditches to distinguish pre-existing damages from damages the Applicant claimed were sustained as a result of the declared incident or emergency response/debris removal work. FEMA finds the Applicant has not demonstrated that the work to repair the ditches was required as a result of the declared incident.

Result of Declared Incident

HeadnotesThe Applicant is responsible for providing documentation to show that work is required to address damage directly caused by the declared incident. If an applicant damages property while performing eligible emergency response activities or debris removal operations; the repair of that damage may be eligible. It is an applicant’s responsibility to provide documentation to support its claim.The post-disaster site inspection photographs showed evidence of pre-existing damages; deterioration; and/or deferred maintenance. The Applicant did not provide documentation supporting the predisaster condition of the ditches to distinguish pre-existing damages from damages the Applicant claimed were sustained as a result of the declared incident or emergency response/debris removal work. ConclusionFEMA finds the Applicant has not demonstrated that the work to repair the ditches was required as a result of the declared incident.

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