Result of Declared Incident
Result of Declared Incident
City of Russell

To be eligible for PA funding; work must be required as a result of the disaster; and the applicant must demonstrate that the damage was directly caused by the incident.Although the Applicant claims that the disaster caused cracking; which requires replacing the Facility; predisaster inspection records note the presence of pre-existing cracking and deterioration to the Facility such inspectors were already recommending the replacement of the Facility prior to the disaster.If a facility was functioning prior to the disaster and the disaster caused damage that rendered the facility non-functional; the facility may be eligible provided the pre-disaster condition was not a significant contributing factor in the cause of failure.The Facility continued to function after the disaster. It is the potential of future damage that could cause the Facility to become non-operational.

Result of Declared Incident

HeadnotesTo be eligible for PA funding; work must be required as a result of the disaster; and the applicant must demonstrate that the damage was directly caused by the incident.Although the Applicant claims that the disaster caused cracking; which requires replacing the Facility; predisaster inspection records note the presence of pre-existing cracking and deterioration to the Facility such inspectors were already recommending the replacement of the Facility prior to the disaster.If a facility was functioning prior to the disaster and the disaster caused damage that rendered the facility non-functional; the facility may be eligible provided the pre-disaster condition was not a significant contributing factor in the cause of failure.The Facility continued to function after the disaster. It is the potential of future damage that could cause the Facility to become non-operational.Conclusion

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