Result of Declared Incident
Result of Declared Incident
Santa Maria Valley Water Conservation District

FEMA does not provide PA funding for repair of damage caused by deterioration; deferred maintenance; the applicant failure to take measures to protect a facility from further damage; or negligence.Damages to the roads could not be verified as disaster-related damages; they reflected only wear and tear from use. Long-term deterioration was documented in the Twitchell Project Manual; as was the need for annual repairs of potholes and cracking. Restoration of sediment basins; reservoirs; and other water control facilities may be eligible for assistance; but only if the applicant provides documentation to establish the predisaster capacity of the facility and that the applicant maintains the facility on a regular schedule.FEMA could not determine the predisaster condition of the reservoir outlet works due to the Applicant failure to establish the predisaster capacity and ambiguity regarding sediment quantities removed or requested to be removed.

Result of Declared Incident

HeadnotesFEMA does not provide PA funding for repair of damage caused by deterioration; deferred maintenance; the applicant’s failure to take measures to protect a facility from further damage; or negligence.Damages to the roads could not be verified as disaster-related damages; they reflected only wear and tear from use. Long-term deterioration was documented in the Twitchell Project Manual; as was the need for annual repairs of potholes and cracking. Restoration of sediment basins; reservoirs; and other water control facilities may be eligible for assistance; but only if the applicant provides documentation to establish the predisaster capacity of the facility and that the applicant maintains the facility on a regular schedule.FEMA could not determine the predisaster condition of the reservoir outlet works due to the Applicant’s failure to establish the predisaster capacity and ambiguity regarding sediment quantities removed or requested to be removed. Conclusion

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