Result of Declared Incident
Result of Declared Incident/ Allowable Costs and Reasonable Costs
Seminole County

To be eligible; work must be required as a result of the declared incident. The applicant is responsible for providing documentation to support its claim as eligible and show that work is required to address damage directly caused by the disaster. The Applicant has demonstrated that the requested work was a result of the disaster.Generally; costs must be directly tied to the performance of eligible work to be eligible for funding. The Applicant is responsible for providing documentation to demonstrate its claimed costs are reasonable. The Applicant has demonstrated that $546;471.14 in costs are reasonable and adequately documented.

Result of Declared Incident, Allowable & Reasonable Costs

Grand Strand Water & Sewer; FEMA-4286-DR-SC; at 3.HeadnotesTo be eligible; work must be required as a result of the declared incident. The applicant is responsible for providing documentation to support its claim as eligible and show that work is required to address damage directly caused by the disaster. The Applicant has demonstrated that the requested work was a result of the disaster.Generally; costs must be directly tied to the performance of eligible work to be eligible for funding. The Applicant is responsible for providing documentation to demonstrate its claimed costs are reasonable. The Applicant has demonstrated that $546;471.14 in costs are reasonable and adequately documented.

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