Result of Declared Incident
Result of Declared Incident
The Ethician Foundation

An eligible item of work must be required as a result of the disaster event. For permanent work; an applicant must demonstrate that damage was caused by the declared incident; FEMA does not provide funding for repair of damage caused by deterioration or deferred maintenance.FEMA noted deterioration of the roof that predated the disaster at its inspection of the Facility. The Applicant has not provided documentation showing the predisaster condition or that it maintained the Facility roof.

Direct Result of Disaster

El Paso County; FEMA-4229-DR-CO; at 8 (Apr. 4; 2019).City of Brenham; FEMA-4272-DR-TX; at 4 (Mar. 12; 2019). HeadnotesAn eligible item of work must be required as a result of the disaster event. For permanent work; an applicant must demonstrate that damage was caused by the declared incident; FEMA does not provide funding for repair of damage caused by deterioration or deferred maintenance.FEMA noted deterioration of the roof that predated the disaster at its inspection of the Facility. The Applicant has not provided documentation showing the predisaster condition or that it maintained the Facility’s roof.

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