Result of Declared Incident
Result of Declared Incident
Monroe County Engineer (Monroe)

FEMA may provide funding for the repair of a public facility damaged by a major disaster. FEMA may also provide funding to restore the integral ground that supports a facility if the eligible facility is damaged as a result of the incident.The Applicant maintenance records do not demonstrate the predisaster condition of the embankment adjacent to CR-6; at the specific site in question.More importantly; the Applicant has not demonstrated disaster-related damage to CR-6 itself. Thus; even if the embankment constitutes integral ground that supports CR-6; the claimed work is nonetheless ineligible because the embankment is not tied to an eligible facility damaged as a result of the disaster.

Direct Result of Disaster

HeadnotesFEMA may provide funding for the repair of a public facility damaged by a major disaster. FEMA may also provide funding to restore the integral ground that supports a facility if the eligible facility is damaged as a result of the incident.The Applicant’s maintenance records do not demonstrate the predisaster condition of the embankment adjacent to CR-6; at the specific site in question.More importantly; the Applicant has not demonstrated disaster-related damage to CR-6 itself. Thus; even if the embankment constitutes integral ground that supports CR-6; the claimed work is nonetheless ineligible because the embankment is not tied to an eligible facility damaged as a result of the disaster.Conclusion

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