Result of Declared Incident
Result of Declared Incident
Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas

To be eligible for Public Assistance (PA) funding; an item of work must be required as a direct result of the disaster.Predisaster records do not demonstrate the condition of the Facility roof at the time of the disaster. Further; assessments of the roof indicate a potentially significant predisaster issue with the function of the roof surface membrane. Therefore; the Applicant has not demonstrated the disaster caused the claimed damage to the Facility roof.On first appeal; the RA remanded items of work to repair interior damages; and the Applicant HMP; to the TRO for further evaluation; the eligibility of these items is not ripe for decision in the present appeal.

Result of Declared Incident

Republic Cty. Highway Dep’t; FEMA-4230-DR-KS; at 4.HeadnotesTo be eligible for Public Assistance (PA) funding; an item of work must be required as a direct result of the disaster.Predisaster records do not demonstrate the condition of the Facility’s roof at the time of the disaster. Further; assessments of the roof indicate a potentially significant predisaster issue with the function of the roof’s surface membrane. Therefore; the Applicant has not demonstrated the disaster caused the claimed damage to the Facility’s roof.On first appeal; the RA remanded items of work to repair interior damages; and the Applicant’s HMP; to the TRO for further evaluation; the eligibility of these items is not ripe for decision in the present appeal.Conclusion

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