Reasonable Costs
Reasonable Costs
University of Iowa

Disaster Assistance Policy 9523.3; Provision of Temporary Relocation Facilities states that reasonable alterations of the temporary facility are allowable costs; if they are required to make the space functional and meet the pre-disaster needs of the applicant; and FEMA will not fund utilities (power; water; heat; etc.); maintenance; or operating costs at temporary facilities.The building contents were necessary to make the facility functional.The parking lot repair was maintenance and is ineligible. 44 C.F.R. 13.43(a)(3) and OMB Circular A-87 allow FEMA to look at the reasonableness of costs and make an eligibility determination even when an applicant fails to follow procurement procedures.With regard to the additional plumbing work; although the additional work was outside of the scope of the work of the contract; if the work itself is eligible under the Public Assistance program; FEMA can fund reasonable costs for the work.


DAP 9523.3; Provision of Temporary Relocation Facilities at 2-5.HeadnotesDisaster Assistance Policy 9523.3; Provision of Temporary Relocation Facilities states that reasonable alterations of the temporary facility are allowable costs; if they are required to make the space functional and meet the pre-disaster needs of the applicant; and FEMA will not fund utilities (power; water; heat; etc.); maintenance; or operating costs at temporary facilities.The building contents were necessary to make the facility functional.The parking lot repair was maintenance and is ineligible. 44 C.F.R. §13.43(a)(3) and OMB Circular A-87 allow FEMA to look at the reasonableness of costs and make an eligibility determination even when an applicant fails to follow procurement procedures.With regard to the additional plumbing work; although the additional work was outside of the scope of the work of the contract; if the work itself is eligible under the Public Assistance program; FEMA can fund reasonable costs for the work.

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