Procurement & Contracting Requirements – Allowable Costs & Reasonable Costs – Project Documentation and Closeout
Orangefield Independent School District

Federal procurement standards prohibit the use of the CPPC method of contracting.Contractor markups in the Belfor contract were determined using a prohibited CPPC method in violation of federal procurement standards. The associated costs are ineligible.Among other criteria; costs must be necessary and reasonable to be considered allowable under the Public Assistance (PA) grant program.Costs for meals invoiced by Belfor are ineligible duplicate costs. On first appeal; FEMA determined allowable costs in accordance with the RA enforcement authority.If FEMA determines that the purpose of the grant was not accomplished; or that an applicant did not incur reasonable costs; Stafford Act Section 705(c) does not apply.

Procurement & Contracting Requirements, Allowable & Reasonable Costs, Financial Accounting and Reconciliation

Collier (County); FEMA-4337-DR-FL; at 3-4.HeadnotesFederal procurement standards prohibit the use of the CPPC method of contracting.Contractor’s markups in the Belfor contract were determined using a prohibited CPPC method in violation of federal procurement standards. The associated costs are ineligible.Among other criteria; costs must be necessary and reasonable to be considered allowable under the Public Assistance (PA) grant program.Costs for meals invoiced by Belfor are ineligible duplicate costs. On first appeal; FEMA determined allowable costs in accordance with the RA’s enforcement authority.If FEMA determines that the purpose of the grant was not accomplished; or that an applicant did not incur reasonable costs; Stafford Act Section 705(c) does not apply.

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