Private Nonprofit
Private Property Debris Removal
Oregon Department of Transportation

An applicant is required to identify and report all of its incident-related impacts to FEMA within 60 days of the RSM. FEMA may extend the deadline to identify and report the impacts if the applicant submits a request with justification based on extenuating circumstances beyond the grantee or applicant control.The Applicant did not identify and report the four properties within 60 days of the RSM and did not request that FEMA extend the deadline with justification based on extenuating circumstances beyond the grantee or applicant control.Removal of debris from commercial properties is generally ineligible because commercial enterprises are expected to retain insurance that covers debris removal. In very limited; extraordinary circumstances; FEMA may provide an exception. In such cases; the applicant must meet the requirements of the approval process; and FEMA must approve the work prior to the applicant removing the debris. The Applicant did not meet approval process requirements; and FEMA did not approve the work prior to the Applicant removing the debris.

Private Property Debris Removal

HeadnotesAn applicant is required to identify and report all of its incident-related impacts to FEMA within 60 days of the RSM. FEMA may extend the deadline to identify and report the impacts if the applicant submits a request with justification based on extenuating circumstances beyond the grantee’s or applicant’s control.The Applicant did not identify and report the four properties within 60 days of the RSM and did not request that FEMA extend the deadline with justification based on extenuating circumstances beyond the grantee’s or applicant’s control.Removal of debris from commercial properties is generally ineligible because commercial enterprises are expected to retain insurance that covers debris removal. In very limited; extraordinary circumstances; FEMA may provide an exception. In such cases; the applicant must meet the requirements of the approval process; and FEMA must approve the work prior to the applicant removing the debris. The Applicant did not meet approval process requirements; and FEMA did not approve the work prior to the Applicant removing the debris. Conclusion

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