Private Nonprofit
Private Nonprofit/ Private Property Debris Removal
The Ethician Foundation

An applicant appeal of an eligibility determination must contain documented justification supporting the applicant position. For a PNP; eligible debris removal is limited to that associated with an eligible facility.The Applicant has not submitted documentation that the shoreline is associated with an eligible facility. The record demonstrates that the shoreline is an open/natural area ineligible for PA funding.

Private Nonprofit, Private Property Debris Removal

PAPPG; at 12-15; 44; 60.Fla. Dept. of Transp.; FEMA-4068-DR-FL; at 5. HeadnotesAn applicant’s appeal of an eligibility determination must contain documented justification supporting the applicant’s position. For a PNP; eligible debris removal is limited to that associated with an eligible facility.The Applicant has not submitted documentation that the shoreline is associated with an eligible facility. The record demonstrates that the shoreline is an open/natural area ineligible for PA funding.

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