Private Nonprofit
Private Nonprofit
Lockport Carnival Club

To be eligible for PA funding; an PNP applicant must own or operate an eligible facility. An eligible PNP facility includes one that provides a noncritical; but essential social service to the general public; such as a community center; food bank or museum.The Applicant has not demonstrated that it owns or operates a facility that provides eligible services.FEMA finds that the Applicant is not a PNP eligible for PA funding because it does not own or operate a facility that provides an eligible service.

Private Nonprofit

HeadnotesTo be eligible for PA funding; an PNP applicant must own or operate an eligible facility. An eligible PNP facility includes one that provides a noncritical; but essential social service to the general public; such as a community center; food bank or museum.The Applicant has not demonstrated that it owns or operates a facility that provides eligible services.ConclusionFEMA finds that the Applicant is not a PNP eligible for PA funding because it does not own or operate a facility that provides an eligible service.

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