Predisaster Conditions
Predisaster Conditions – Environmental Compliance
Grand River Dam Authority

Restoring the pre-disaster storage capacity of sediment basins may be eligible; but only if the Applicant provides documentation to establish the pre-disaster capacity of the facility and the Applicant maintains the facility on a regular schedule.The applicant did not provide documentation to establish the pre-disaster capacity of the sediment basin or indicate that it maintains the facility on a regular schedule.For work to be eligible; it must be required as a direct result of a declared disaster.


PAPPG; at 20; 87; 118.Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority; FEMA-4017-DR-PR; at 7 (Mar. 16; 2016).North Wilkesboro; FEMA-4153-DR-NC; at 5 (Aug. 17; 2016)HeadnotesRestoring the pre-disaster storage capacity of sediment basins may be eligible; but only if the Applicant provides documentation to establish the pre-disaster capacity of the facility and the Applicant maintains the facility on a regular schedule.The applicant did not provide documentation to establish the pre-disaster capacity of the sediment basin or indicate that it maintains the facility on a regular schedule.For work to be eligible; it must be required as a direct result of a declared disaster.

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