Scope of Work
Pipe Insulation Replacement
Nashville-Davidson County

44 C.F.R. 206.223(a)(1) provides that to be eligible for reimbursement; an item of work must “[b]e required as the result of the emergency or major disaster event.”The pipe insulation was in an area that was completely submerged with floodwaters resulting from the disaster.Recovery Division Fact Sheet 9580.100; Mold Remediation provides that “It is the responsibility of the applicant to show evidence of mold contamination or damage during the inspection.”The Applicant conducted testing; 45 percent of the samples contained mold at that time.

Mold Remediation

PA Guide; at 32City of Port Arthur; FEMA-1606-DR-TX; at 3.Headnotes44 C.F.R. § 206.223(a)(1) provides that to be eligible for reimbursement; an item of work must “[b]e required as the result of the emergency or major disaster event.”The pipe insulation was in an area that was completely submerged with floodwaters resulting from the disaster.Recovery Division Fact Sheet 9580.100; Mold Remediation provides that “It is the responsibility of the applicant to show evidence of mold contamination or damage during the inspection.”The Applicant conducted testing; 45 percent of the samples contained mold at that time.

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