Scope of Work
Pilot Program – Scope of Work
Winston County Board of Supervisors; Consolidated

The Public Assistance Alternative Procedures Pilot Program requires all work to be completed on a project before an applicant can request to use excess funds.The Applicant cannot use the excess funds because it only completed work on one of the projects; not the entire consolidated project; before requesting to use the excess funds on new unrelated projects.The Public Assistance Alternative Procedures Pilot Program requires applicants to certify final costs within 90 days of project completion; and submit a scope of work and project timeline for the proposed projects using excess funds.The Applicant did not complete all work and therefore could not have submitted its certified costs for all work and did not submit a proposed project timeline.


FEMA Second Appeal Analysis; Dep’t of Transp.; FEMA-4068-DR-FL; at 5 (Aug 5; 2016).HeadnotesThe Public Assistance Alternative Procedures Pilot Program requires all work to be completed on a project before an applicant can request to use excess funds.The Applicant cannot use the excess funds because it only completed work on one of the projects; not the entire consolidated project; before requesting to use the excess funds on new unrelated projects.The Public Assistance Alternative Procedures Pilot Program requires applicants to certify final costs within 90 days of project completion; and submit a scope of work and project timeline for the proposed projects using excess funds.The Applicant did not complete all work and therefore could not have submitted its certified costs for all work and did not submit a proposed project timeline.

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