Legal Responsibility
Legal Responsibility/ Result of Declared Incident/ Work Completion Deadlines
Department of Environmental Protection

Recipients have the authority to extend emergency work project deadlines by six months.The Recipient issued two three-month time extensions for emergency work beyond the initial period of performance and the work was completed within the timeframe of those extensions.To be eligible; work must be the legal responsibility of the applicant requesting assistance.Legal responsibility was substantiated with tax records and inventory lists demonstrating the Applicant ownership of six buildings; all located in the Applicant State Park.For mold remediation; applicants must demonstrate that damage was caused directly by the declared incident.In this case; the Applicant provided photographs and a mold remediation receipt dated shortly after the disaster to substantiate that mold was caused by the disaster.

Legal Responsibility, Result of Declared Incident, Work Completion Deadlines

HeadnotesRecipients have the authority to extend emergency work project deadlines by six months.The Recipient issued two three-month time extensions for emergency work beyond the initial period of performance and the work was completed within the timeframe of those extensions.To be eligible; work must be the legal responsibility of the applicant requesting assistance.Legal responsibility was substantiated with tax records and inventory lists demonstrating the Applicant’s ownership of six buildings; all located in the Applicant’s State Park.For mold remediation; applicants must demonstrate that damage was caused directly by the declared incident.In this case; the Applicant provided photographs and a mold remediation receipt dated shortly after the disaster to substantiate that mold was caused by the disaster.

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