Legal Responsibility
Legal Responsibility
University of Alabama

In accordance with Disaster Assistance Policy (DAP) 9523.6; generally; only Requesting Entities are eligible applicants under the Public Assistance program.According to a legal opinion from the Office of Attorney General for the State of Alabama; the Attorney General interprets 16-47-11(a) to grant authority to the Applicant police officers to conduct search; rescue; and recovery operations off-campus on property not owned or leased by the Applicant.Applicant has demonstrated that it had legal authority to perform the work that was independent of both the EOP and the 1994 MAA.

Legal Responsibility

Letter from Office of the Attorney General; State of Alabama to Member; Alabama House of Representatives (Apr. 24; 2002).Legal Opinion of the State of Alabama Office of Attorney General (July 16; 2014)HeadnotesIn accordance with Disaster Assistance Policy (DAP) 9523.6; generally; only Requesting Entities are eligible applicants under the Public Assistance program.According to a legal opinion from the Office of Attorney General for the State of Alabama; the Attorney General interprets § 16-47-11(a) to grant authority to the Applicant’s police officers to conduct search; rescue; and recovery operations off-campus on property not owned or leased by the Applicant.Applicant has demonstrated that it had legal authority to perform the work that was independent of both the EOP and the 1994 MAA.

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