St. Lucie County School Board

44 C.F.R. 206.253(b)(2) requires a reduction in PA funding by the amount of eligible damage sustained in a previous disaster when a facility is damaged in a “similar future disaster.” FP 206-086-1; although not in effect at the time of the disaster; reflects FEMA interpretation that this reduction applies “[w]hen a facility that received assistance is damaged by the same hazard [or peril] in a subsequent disaster.”Here; all of the available evidence; including the Applicant 2008 insurance policy in effect at the time (rather than the 2009 policy initially relied on by FEMA); establishes that the Facility was damaged by a flood in 2008. Because the flood was not “similar” to the hurricane wind perils that caused the previous eligible damage to the same Facility; 44 C.F.R. 206.253(b)(2) prior loss reduction requirement does not apply.


FP 206-086-1; Public Assistance Policy on Insurance; at 4. Headnotes44 C.F.R. § 206.253(b)(2) requires a reduction in PA funding by the amount of eligible damage sustained in a previous disaster when a facility is damaged in a “similar future disaster.” FP 206-086-1; although not in effect at the time of the disaster; reflects FEMA’s interpretation that this reduction applies “[w]hen a facility that received assistance is damaged by the same hazard [or peril] in a subsequent disaster.”Here; all of the available evidence; including the Applicant’s 2008 insurance policy in effect at the time (rather than the 2009 policy initially relied on by FEMA); establishes that the Facility was damaged by a flood in 2008. Because the flood was not “similar” to the hurricane wind perils that caused the previous eligible damage to the same Facility; 44 C.F.R. § 206.253(b)(2)’s prior loss reduction requirement does not apply.

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