Insurance/ 705(c)
Broward County School Board of Florida;

44 C.F.R. 206.253(b)(2) provides that if a facility that is insured under a blanket insurance policy is damaged in a similar (other than flood) future disaster; eligible costs will be reduced by the amount of eligible damage sustained on the previous disaster.Here; the $28;415.26 in costs to repair the facility in PW 2805 are ineligible because the Applicant utilized a blanket insurance policy at the time of the disaster and the same facility sustained that amount in eligible damage in prior; similar; other than flood disasters.


PA Guide; at 97.Terrebonne Par. Consol. Gov’t; FEMA-1786-DR-LA; at 3-4. Headnotes44 C.F.R. § 206.253(b)(2) provides that if a facility that is insured under a blanket insurance policy is damaged in a similar (other than flood) future disaster; eligible costs will be reduced by the amount of eligible damage sustained on the previous disaster.Here; the $28;415.26 in costs to repair the facility in PW 2805 are ineligible because the Applicant utilized a blanket insurance policy at the time of the disaster and the same facility sustained that amount in eligible damage in prior; similar; other than flood disasters.

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