Improved Project
Inactive or Alternative Use Facility
PR Industrial Development Company

Under 44 C.F.R. 206.226(k)(2) and FEMA implementing policy; facilities that were not in active use at the start of the incident period are ineligible except in those instances where: 1) the facilities were only temporarily inoperative for repairs or remodeling; 2) the applicant firmly established future active use in an approved budget; or 3) the applicant can clearly demonstrate its intent to begin use within a reasonable time. It is the applicant responsibility to substantiate the eligibility of each item claimed. To that end; the applicant must provide documentation that is sufficiently detailed to support each claim.The Applicant provided documentation for 42 Facilities demonstrating active use or the intent to begin use within a reasonable time. The Applicant failed to provide documentation demonstrating active use or the intent to begin use within a reasonable time for the remaining 107 Facilities.

Inactive or Alternative Use Facility

PAPPG; at 18; 133.HeadnotesUnder 44 C.F.R. § 206.226(k)(2) and FEMA’s implementing policy; facilities that were not in active use at the start of the incident period are ineligible except in those instances where: 1) the facilities were only temporarily inoperative for repairs or remodeling; 2) the applicant firmly established future active use in an approved budget; or 3) the applicant can clearly demonstrate its intent to begin use within a reasonable time. It is the applicant’s responsibility to substantiate the eligibility of each item claimed. To that end; the applicant must provide documentation that is sufficiently detailed to support each claim.The Applicant provided documentation for 42 Facilities demonstrating active use or the intent to begin use within a reasonable time. The Applicant failed to provide documentation demonstrating active use or the intent to begin use within a reasonable time for the remaining 107 Facilities.Conclusion

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