Improved Project
Improved Project/ Codes and Standards
St. Tammany Parish School Board

Pursuant to 44 C.F.R. 206.203(d)(1) and the PA Guide; FEMA may determine a project to be improved if a damaged facility was restored to a different design than existed predisaster and the change was not required by codes; specifications; or standards.As the Applicant implemented changes to the construction of the facilities that changed the predisaster design and were not required by codes; specifications; or standards; the RA properly determined both projects to be improved projects.Under 44 C.F.R. 206.226(d); costs associated with work that changes the predisaster construction of a facility may be eligible for Public Assistance if the codes and standards meet all five prongs of 44 C.F.R. 206.226(d).

Codes and Standards, Improved Project

PA Guide; at 27; 82; 85.Village of Waterford; FEMA-4020-DR-NY; at 4 (Sep. 4; 2014); City of Petaluma; FEMA-1628-DR-CA; at 5 (Aug. 13; 2012); Elsinore Valley Municipal Water Dist.; FEMA-979-DR-CA; at 2-3 (June 12; 2000).RRP 9524.5; at 3.HeadnotesPursuant to 44 C.F.R. § 206.203(d)(1) and the PA Guide; FEMA may determine a project to be improved if a damaged facility was restored to a different design than existed predisaster and the change was not required by codes; specifications; or standards.As the Applicant implemented changes to the construction of the facilities that changed the predisaster design and were not required by codes; specifications; or standards; the RA properly determined both projects to be improved projects.Under 44 C.F.R. § 206.226(d); costs associated with work that changes the predisaster construction of a facility may be eligible for Public Assistance if the codes and standards meet all five prongs of 44 C.F.R. § 206.226(d).

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