Immediate Threat
Improved Project
Clarke Electric Cooperative

According to 44 C.F.R. 206.203(d)(1); federal funding for improved projects is limited to the federal share of the approved estimate of eligible costs.The Public Assistance Guide provides that an applicant may appeal the approved funding amount if approved costs are tracked separately from improvement costs.The Applicant provided documentation that distinguished the actual costs incurred for restoring the facility to its pre-disaster condition from those related to the improvements to the facility.

Improved Project

PA Guide; at 110.HeadnotesAccording to 44 C.F.R. § 206.203(d)(1); federal funding for improved projects is limited to the federal share of the approved estimate of eligible costs.The Public Assistance Guide provides that an applicant may appeal the approved funding amount if approved costs are tracked separately from improvement costs.The Applicant provided documentation that distinguished the actual costs incurred for restoring the facility to its pre-disaster condition from those related to the improvements to the facility.

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