Immediate Threat
Immediate Threat
City of Port Neches

Increased costs of operating a facility or providing a service are generally ineligible; even when directly related to the incident. To be eligible; costs must be directly tied to the performance of eligible work. The Applicant documentation; including police and fire department call logs and summaries; does not demonstrate that the FAL OT or FAE are associated with eligible emergency work outside of the employees’ normal routine work activities. Meals are ineligible when employees are not engaged in eligible emergency work. The meal costs are ineligible because the Applicant has not demonstrated the employees were not engaged in eligible work.It is the Applicant s responsibility to provide documentation to support its claim as eligible; and to clearly explain how the documentation supports its appeal.

Immediate Threat

City of Deer Park; FEMA-4586-DR-TX; at 3 (July 21; 2023).HeadnotesIncreased costs of operating a facility or providing a service are generally ineligible; even when directly related to the incident. To be eligible; costs must be directly tied to the performance of eligible work. The Applicant’s documentation; including police and fire department call logs and summaries; does not demonstrate that the FAL OT or FAE are associated with eligible emergency work outside of the employees’ normal routine work activities. Meals are ineligible when employees are not engaged in eligible emergency work. The meal costs are ineligible because the Applicant has not demonstrated the employees were not engaged in eligible work.It is the Applicant s responsibility to provide documentation to support its claim as eligible; and to clearly explain how the documentation supports its appeal.

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