Force Account Labor
Force Account Labor & Equipment Costs/ Immediate Threat
University of Texas Medical Branch

FEMA may provide assistance for labor costs related to intermittent standby time for staff conducting eligible emergency medical care resulting from the disaster. Costs must be directly tied to the performance of eligible work and adequately documented.Here; the Applicant has not provided documentation demonstrating the staff who were paid those sleep time/standby costs conducted eligible disaster-related emergency medical care.Increased costs of operating a facility or providing a service are generally not eligible; even when directly related to the incident. However; short-term increased costs that are directly related to accomplishing specific emergency health and safety tasks as part of emergency protective measures may be eligible if certain requirements are met.The Applicant has not demonstrated the requested FAL constitutes short-term increased operating costs directly related to the provision of eligible medical care.

Force Account Labor & Equipment Costs, Immediate Threat

HeadnotesFEMA may provide assistance for labor costs related to intermittent standby time for staff conducting eligible emergency medical care resulting from the disaster. Costs must be directly tied to the performance of eligible work and adequately documented.Here; the Applicant has not provided documentation demonstrating the staff who were paid those sleep time/standby costs conducted eligible disaster-related emergency medical care.Increased costs of operating a facility or providing a service are generally not eligible; even when directly related to the incident. However; short-term increased costs that are directly related to accomplishing specific emergency health and safety tasks as part of emergency protective measures may be eligible if certain requirements are met.The Applicant has not demonstrated the requested FAL constitutes short-term increased operating costs directly related to the provision of eligible medical care.Conclusion

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