Force Account Labor
Force Account Labor and Equipment Costs

FEMA provides PA funding for the use of Applicant-owned equipment (i.e.; FAE) based on hourly rates. FEMA only applies equipment rates to the time the Applicant is actually operating equipment. Although costs associated with mobilizing equipment to a project site are eligible; costs for standby time (time spent on hold or in reserve) are not eligible unless the equipment operator uses the equipment intermittently for more than half of the working hours for a given day. The Applicant has established that FAE was in active use for the hours claimed.The Applicant has demonstrated the requested $30;295.70 in FAE costs are directly tied to the performance of eligible work. Accordingly; the second appeal is granted.

Force Account Labor & Equipment Costs

HeadnotesFEMA provides PA funding for the use of Applicant-owned equipment (i.e.; FAE) based on hourly rates. FEMA only applies equipment rates to the time the Applicant is actually operating equipment. Although costs associated with mobilizing equipment to a project site are eligible; costs for standby time (time spent on hold or in reserve) are not eligible unless the equipment operator uses the equipment intermittently for more than half of the working hours for a given day. The Applicant has established that FAE was in active use for the hours claimed.ConclusionThe Applicant has demonstrated the requested $30;295.70 in FAE costs are directly tied to the performance of eligible work. Accordingly; the second appeal is granted.

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