Direct Result of Disaster
Direct Result of Disaster/ Immediate Threat
Office of Coastal Protection and Restoration

Pursuant to 44 C.F.R. 206.223(a)(1) ; an item of work must be the result of a major disaster. Additionally; RP9523.5; requires that the debris from waterways be a direct result of the major disaster.The Applicant has not demonstrated that that the debris in question resulted directly from Isaac.As outlined in 44 C.F.R. 206.224(a); FEMA must determine that debris removal is in the public interest. Such removal is in the public interest when it eliminates threats to lives; public health and safety; or improved public or private property; or ensures the economic recovery of the affected community.The Applicant has not established that debris posed an immediate threat; nor has it demonstrated how debris removal was necessary to ensure economic recovery.

Immediate Threat

HeadnotesPursuant to 44 C.F.R. § 206.223(a)(1) ; an item of work must be the result of a major disaster. Additionally; RP9523.5; requires that the debris from waterways be a direct result of the major disaster.The Applicant has not demonstrated that that the debris in question resulted directly from Isaac.As outlined in 44 C.F.R. § 206.224(a); FEMA must determine that debris removal is in the public interest. Such removal is in the public interest when it eliminates threats to lives; public health and safety; or improved public or private property; or ensures the economic recovery of the affected community.The Applicant has not established that debris posed an immediate threat; nor has it demonstrated how debris removal was necessary to ensure economic recovery.

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