Direct Result of Disaster
Direct Result of Disaster
City of Joplin

44 C.F.R. 206.223(a)(1) provides that to be eligible for PA; an item of work must be the result of the disaster. The PA Guide narrows this condition further by stating that the work must be required as a direct result of the disaster. In addition; the PA Guide notes that the specific cause of damage must relate to the incident for which the disaster was declared in order for the work to be eligible for PA.Although the Applicant produces annual budgets that demonstrate a program of general routine sewer maintenance; it does not produce any other documentation that establishes the predisaster condition of the specific sites at issue in this appeal. Therefore; it has not demonstrated the claimed sewer damages occurred as a direct result of the disaster. Accordingly; the costs associated with work to repair said damages are ineligible for PA. Appeal LetterErnie Rhodes


Republic Cty. Highway Dep’t; FEMA-4230-DR-KS; at 3.Headnotes44 C.F.R. § 206.223(a)(1) provides that to be eligible for PA; an item of work must be the result of the disaster. The PA Guide narrows this condition further by stating that the work must be required as a direct result of the disaster. In addition; the PA Guide notes that the specific cause of damage must relate to the incident for which the disaster was declared in order for the work to be eligible for PA.Although the Applicant produces annual budgets that demonstrate a program of general routine sewer maintenance; it does not produce any other documentation that establishes the predisaster condition of the specific sites at issue in this appeal. Therefore; it has not demonstrated the claimed sewer damages occurred as a direct result of the disaster. Accordingly; the costs associated with work to repair said damages are ineligible for PA. Appeal LetterErnie Rhodes

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