Direct Administrative Costs
Direct Administrative Costs and Management Costs/ Alternative Procedures
Florida Division of Emergency Management

Public Assistance Alternative Procedures for Direct Administrative Costs Policy Version 1.1 permits excess DAC funds to be used for any costs otherwise eligible; if the applicant identifies the excess funds and submits the request to use the funds to FEMA within 180 days of the latest project POP. Under this policy; FEMA defines the end of the DAC PW POP as equal to the latest Category A-G PW POP.The POP for PW 4 ended on October 8; 2018. This means April 6; 2019; 180 days later; was the deadline for submitting a request to use excess DAC. The Grantee submitted its request to use excess DAC funds on August 20; 2019; after the deadline had passed.

Direct Administrative Costs & Management Costs, Alternative Procedures

HeadnotesPublic Assistance Alternative Procedures for Direct Administrative Costs Policy Version 1.1 permits excess DAC funds to be used for any costs otherwise eligible; if the applicant identifies the excess funds and submits the request to use the funds to FEMA within 180 days of the latest project POP. Under this policy; FEMA defines the end of the DAC PW POP as equal to the latest Category A-G PW POP.The POP for PW 4 ended on October 8; 2018. This means April 6; 2019; 180 days later; was the deadline for submitting a request to use excess DAC. The Grantee submitted its request to use excess DAC funds on August 20; 2019; after the deadline had passed. Conclusion

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