Direct Administrative Costs
Direct Administrative Costs – Reasonable Costs
Village of Herkimer

Under DAP 9525.9; FEMA will reimburse applicants and grantees for reasonable administrative activities if the costs are properly tracked; documented; and directly chargeable to a Project Worksheet (PW).The Applicant generic task descriptions do not allow FEMA to evaluate whether its costs are reasonable and related to eligible direct administrative activities that benefitted only a single PW.

Allowable & Reasonable Costs

Central Bradford Progress Auth.; FEMA-4030-DR-PA (Feb. 29; 2016) HeadnotesUnder DAP 9525.9; FEMA will reimburse applicants and grantees for reasonable administrative activities if the costs are properly tracked; documented; and directly chargeable to a Project Worksheet (PW).The Applicant’s generic task descriptions do not allow FEMA to evaluate whether its costs are reasonable and related to eligible direct administrative activities that benefitted only a single PW.

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