Damage Assessments
Damage Surveys
City of Duquesne

Pursuant to 44 C.F.R. 206.223(a)(1); to be eligible for financial assistance; an item of work must be required as the result of a major disaster event.After an EF-5 tornado struck the City of Duquesne; the President declared a major disaster for the Applicant community. Afterwards; debris cleanup efforts unearthed and caused damage to sewer lateral lines that connect residential dwellings to the Applicant sewer main. Pursuant to 44 C.F.R. 206.225(a)(3)(i)-(ii) emergency protective measures are eligible for funding if the measures eliminate or lessen immediate threats to life; public health or safety; or eliminate or lessen immediate threats of significant additional damage to improved public or private property through measures which are cost effective.The Applicant used CCTV as a cost-effective means to locate the taps between damaged and exposed sewer lateral lines and the Applicant sewer main. After locating these taps; the Applicant capped the lateral lines at its right-of-way; thus eliminating an immediate threat to public health and safety that would have resulted from a sewage backup in the Applicant sewer main. Capping the lateral lines also eliminated the immediate threat of significant additional damage to the sewer system.Appeal Letter

Damage Assessments and Surveys

44 C.F.R. § 206.225(a)(3)(i)-(ii).HeadnotesPursuant to 44 C.F.R. § 206.223(a)(1); to be eligible for financial assistance; an item of work must be required as the result of a major disaster event.After an EF-5 tornado struck the City of Duquesne; the President declared a major disaster for the Applicant’s community. Afterwards; debris cleanup efforts unearthed and caused damage to sewer lateral lines that connect residential dwellings to the Applicant’s sewer main. Pursuant to 44 C.F.R. § 206.225(a)(3)(i)-(ii) emergency protective measures are eligible for funding if the measures eliminate or lessen immediate threats to life; public health or safety; or eliminate or lessen immediate threats of significant additional damage to improved public or private property through measures which are cost effective.The Applicant used CCTV as a cost-effective means to locate the taps between damaged and exposed sewer lateral lines and the Applicant’s sewer main. After locating these taps; the Applicant capped the lateral lines at its right-of-way; thus eliminating an immediate threat to public health and safety that would have resulted from a sewage backup in the Applicant’s sewer main. Capping the lateral lines also eliminated the immediate threat of significant additional damage to the sewer system.Appeal Letter

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