Damage Caused While Performing Eligible Work
Lake Madrone Water District

FEMA provides PA funding to eligible applicants for the repair; restoration; or replacement of facilities damaged or destroyed by disasters. To be eligible; an item of work must be required as a result of the declared incident. The applicant must demonstrate that the damage was directly caused by the incident. If an applicant damages property while performing eligible emergency work; the repair of that damage may be eligible as part of that respective emergency work project if the damage was due to severe conditions resulting from the incident; unavoidable; and not due to improper or excessive use. The Applicant does not assert that the claimed Road damages were a direct result of the disaster; but instead claims that the repairs are necessary due to the increased traffic and heavy loads stemming from PPDR operations. FEMA provided funding for those PPDR operations through an emergency work project to CalRecycle.The Applicant has not demonstrated that the damages were a direct result of the disaster or that it damaged property during the performance of eligible emergency work. Therefore; the appeal is denied.

Damage Caused While Performing Eligible Work

HeadnotesFEMA provides PA funding to eligible applicants for the repair; restoration; or replacement of facilities damaged or destroyed by disasters. To be eligible; an item of work must be required as a result of the declared incident. The applicant must demonstrate that the damage was directly caused by the incident. If an applicant damages property while performing eligible emergency work; the repair of that damage may be eligible as part of that respective emergency work project if the damage was due to severe conditions resulting from the incident; unavoidable; and not due to improper or excessive use. The Applicant does not assert that the claimed Road damages were a direct result of the disaster; but instead claims that the repairs are necessary due to the increased traffic and heavy loads stemming from PPDR operations. FEMA provided funding for those PPDR operations through an emergency work project to CalRecycle.ConclusionThe Applicant has not demonstrated that the damages were a direct result of the disaster or that it damaged property during the performance of eligible emergency work. Therefore; the appeal is denied.

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