Pursuant to 44 C.F.R. 206.226(d); FEMA may reimburse costs of federal; state; and local repair or replacement codes or standards; if the codes or standards (1) apply to the type of repair or restoration required; (2) are appropriate to the pre-disaster use of the facility; (3) are found reasonable; in writing; and formally adopted and implemented by the state or local government on or before the disaster declaration date or are a federal requirement applicable to the type of restoration; (4) apply uniformly to all similar types of facilities within the jurisdiction of owner of the facility; and (5) were enforced during the time standards were in effect.All five prongs must be met in order to be eligible for PA funding.
44 C.F.R. § 206.226(d).DAP 9527.4; Construction Codes and Standards.FEMA Second Appeal Analysis; City of Gulfport; FEMA-1604-DR-MS; at 3.HeadnotesPursuant to 44 C.F.R. § 206.226(d); FEMA may reimburse costs of federal; state; and local repair or replacement codes or standards; if the codes or standards (1) apply to the type of repair or restoration required; (2) are appropriate to the pre-disaster use of the facility; (3) are found reasonable; in writing; and formally adopted and implemented by the state or local government on or before the disaster declaration date or are a federal requirement applicable to the type of restoration; (4) apply uniformly to all similar types of facilities within the jurisdiction of owner of the facility; and (5) were enforced during the time standards were in effect.All five prongs must be met in order to be eligible for PA funding.