Scope of Work
Change in Scope of Work/Result of Declared Incident/Work Completion Deadlines
Town of Perrysburg

Work must be required as a direct result of the declared incident. FEMA does not provide PA funding for a cause other than the designated event such as a pre-disaster damaging event; post-disaster damaging event; or work to correct inadequacies that existed prior to the disaster. Damage caused during the performance of eligible work may be eligible if it can be tied directly to the declared incident.The Applicant did not demonstrate that the additional damage was the direct result of the declared incident or was caused during the performance of eligible work.The Applicant must demonstrate extenuating circumstances or unusual project requirements beyond the control of the applicant to justify granting a TER.Here; the Applicant failure to complete installation of 160 linear feet of guide rail nearly nine years after the disaster is not the type of circumstance that would qualify as extenuating circumstances outside of the applicant control.

Change in Scope of Work, Result of Declared Incident, Work Completion Deadlines

Work must be required as a direct result of the declared incident. FEMA does not provide PA funding for a cause other than the designated event such as a pre-disaster damaging event; post-disaster damaging event; or work to correct inadequacies that existed prior to the disaster. Damage caused during the performance of eligible work may be eligible if it can be tied directly to the declared incident.

The Applicant did not demonstrate that the additional damage was the direct result of the declared incident or was caused during the performance of eligible work.The Applicant must demonstrate extenuating circumstances or unusual project requirements beyond the control of the applicant to justify granting a TER.Here; the Applicant’s failure to complete installation of 160 linear feet of guide rail nearly nine years after the disaster is not the type of circumstance that would qualify as extenuating circumstances outside of the applicant’s control.Conclusion

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