Scope of Work
Change in Scope of Work/ Result of Declared Incident
Township of Pultney

To be eligible; work must be required as a result of the declared incident; and the applicant must demonstrate that damage was caused directly by the declared incident.Here; FEMA did not find the presence of slope instability at the time of its inspection or project obligation. While the Applicant geotechnical engineering investigation; conducted two years after the disaster; found the presence of slope instability; it attributed it to multiple factors. Therefore; the Applicant has not demonstrated the requested slope stabilization work is required as the result of the disaster. As such; the requested change in SOW for the associated work is denied.FEMA finds that the Applicant has not demonstrated that the requested slope stabilization work is required as the result of the declared incident. Therefore; the requested change in SOW is denied. This appeal is denied.

Change in Scope of Work, Result of Declared Incident

To be eligible; work must be required as a result of the declared incident; and the applicant must demonstrate that damage was caused directly by the declared incident.Here; FEMA did not find the presence of slope instability at the time of its inspection or project obligation. While the Applicant’s geotechnical engineering investigation; conducted two years after the disaster; found the presence of slope instability; it attributed it to multiple factors. Therefore; the Applicant has not demonstrated the requested slope stabilization work is required as the result of the disaster. As such; the requested change in SOW for the associated work is denied.ConclusionFEMA finds that the Applicant has not demonstrated that the requested slope stabilization work is required as the result of the declared incident. Therefore; the requested change in SOW is denied. This appeal is denied.

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