Scope of Work
Change in Scope of Work – Net Small Project Overrun
Jackson Valley Irrigation District

44 C.F.R. 206.204(e)(2) and 2 C.F.R. 200.308 require an applicant to obtain the prior approval of FEMA for any revision of the scope or objective of the project. The PAPPG; at 130-13 states the applicant should engage the grantee and FEMA as soon as it identifies a change to the SOW to allow FEMA time to review changes for eligibility and environmental and historic preservation (EHP) compliance requirements prior to commencement of work.The Applicant did not notify FEMA of changes to the SOW; prior to commencement of the repairs thereby precluding FEMA from conducting an EHP review.FEMA finds the Applicant did not notify FEMA of the changes to PW 240 SOW prior to the commencement of the work; precluding FEMA from completing an EHP review. Accordingly; NSPO second appeal is denied.

Change in Scope of Work, Net Small Project Overrun

44 C.F.R. § 206.204(e)(2) and 2 C.F.R. § 200.308 require an applicant to obtain the prior approval of FEMA for any revision of the scope or objective of the project.  The PAPPG; at 130-13 states the applicant should engage the grantee and FEMA as soon as it identifies a change to the SOW to allow FEMA time to review changes for eligibility and environmental and historic preservation (EHP) compliance requirements prior to commencement of work.The Applicant did not notify FEMA of changes to the SOW; prior to commencement of the repairs thereby precluding FEMA from conducting an EHP review.ConclusionFEMA finds the Applicant did not notify FEMA of the changes to PW 240’s SOW prior to the commencement of the work; precluding FEMA from completing an EHP review.  Accordingly; NSPO second appeal is denied.

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